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100th Episode Special: 10 Things That Could Fix Burnout, Stat

In a special 100th episode of The Catalyst Podcast, Dr. Lara Salyer tackles the pervasive issue of burnout within the healthcare system, intertwining celebration with a deep dive into systemic reform and personal resilience. This milestone episode is not just a moment of reflection but a call to action, offering a blend of systemic solutions and individual strategies to combat the growing epidemic of burnout among healthcare professionals.

Dr. Salyer addresses the root causes of burnout with a critical eye, suggesting systemic changes that promise to restore autonomy to physicians, recalibrate patient expectations, and foster a more flexible and supportive working environment.

She proposes practical reforms, from the integration of business acumen in medical training to the thoughtful implementation of mentorship programs and the streamlining of electronic medical records, envisioning a healthcare system that supports rather than drains its workforce.

On a personal level, Dr. Salyer outlines a four-step pathway to empowerment and well-being. She encourages healthcare professionals to reclaim their time and introduce self-care rituals into their daily routines, to reconnect with their passions outside of work, and to cultivate a practice of gratitude. 

By reframing how they perceive work, success, and rest, individuals can shift their mindset towards a more sustainable and fulfilling career path.

About The Catalyst Host, Dr. Lara Salyer:

I worked as a family physician for 15 years until burnout changed the trajectory of my career. I realized I wanted to start a holistic functional medicine practice in my rural hometown and made it happen. In addition to practicing functional medicine, I now mentor practitioners who are looking to change their paths in healthcare by using what I refer to as the “Catalyst Roadmap”. I share each step of this framework with listeners so that they may apply it to their careers, relationships, personal goals, and projects. 

In This Episode I'm Talking About:

  • The root causes of burnout and suggestions for systemic changes that promise to restore autonomy to physicians
  • Strategies to combat the growing epidemic of burnout among healthcare professionals
  • Four-step pathway to empowerment and well-being


  • “Burnout is serious. Burnout is, and can be, fatal. We lose physicians every year to suicide. A full medical school class worth of physicians. So this topic of burnout is deep. It is dark. And if you are suffering right now, my offer to you is to get help.” (Dr. Lara Salyer | 03:22)
  • “If you are struggling, I really ask that you reach out to a friend, a therapist, a coworker and let somebody know that you’re struggling so that we can help. There is a way through burnout, and each of us have an opportunity to put that puzzle together and find our own unique solution.” (3:54 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
  • “The third thing that our system can do to immediately help burnout is allow flexible working conditions for doctors. It’s similar to number one, where we allow doctors to have autonomy on their schedule, but I’m talking even more outside-of-the-box solutions, coloring way outside the lines here, borrowing from other industries like academic medicine. Professors get a sabbatical that is paid. Every six years, they’re allowed to travel or use that sabbatical for time to explore hobbies and interests.” (Dr. Lara Salyer | 06:55)
  • “The fifth thing that the system could do to help burn out immediately would be to instill mentoring support from day one. Now we’re not talking your school counselor or academic advisor, we’re talking a true mentor. And this would be compensated because we need to reward those physicians and leaders that have great skills that can help inspire those. And they can speak from experience because they’ve been there. That can save lives.” (Dr. Lara Salyer | 12:42)
  • “The word creativity. It is not for those talented few. It is not something that’s bestowed from a muse. Creativity is medicinal. It’s powerful. It lowers your cortisol. It helps you feel good, even just doodling. can help interact with your amygdala and help regulate emotions so that you aren’t triggered as easily. (Dr. Lara Salyer | 24:58)

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